Oracle Soa Suite

In today’s business world, more and more services are being offered, and customer experiences are being expanded.  Instead of information islands and silos, businesses are required to tap into information sources, and integrate them into seamless processes.  Examples are: an ATM system integrating with core banking system to record cash withdrawal; CRM system integrating with telecom billing and package systems to inform a customer about her package usage and remaining credit. 


Universal Connectivity

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) are used extensively to integrate and connect any Application to any other application.  An ESB connects to such applications on its native protocol, including:   

  • TCP/IP
  • File
  • XML
  • Database: Oracle, DB2, MS SQL Server, MySQL etc.
  • ISO:8583
  • And many others


Benefits of ESB

An ESB provide the following benefits.


  • It is more about Configuration, than Programming
  • Configurable via Visio-like Interface
  • Provides Centralized Rules Engine
  • Provides Transaction Control Across Multiple Systems
  • Provides SLAs for Transactions and their Completion


Sapphire has been engaged in such projects for about 10 years, and has provided services to various banks and government institutions, and has integrated a large number of systems.  Contact us for more information.